Sales Conference 2019
Country’s leading cement brand Seven Rings Cement a concern of Shun Shing Group International Ltd. (SSGIL) has organized its Annual Sales Conference 2019 in Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf at Sreemangal based on the theme `আগামী আমাদেরই (Future is Ours)’.
Mostafa Kamal Pasha, Chairman, Shun Shing Group inaugurated the conference. Md. Kausar Alam, Chief Finance Officer addressed on the Seven Rings Cement’s sales performance and future strategies.
Sajid Haider Pasha, Director of Shun Shing Group International Ltd. (SSGIL), S. Raihan Ahmed, Director & Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Tahmina Ahmed, Director, Mrs. Sanjida Kamal Pasha, Director, Brig. Gen. (Retd.) Ahmed Muktadir Arif, Director (Bangladesh Operations) of Shun Shing Group International Ltd. (SSGIL), Saif Rahman, Director (Bangladesh Operations) were present on the occasion.
Best Sales performers for the year 2018 were awarded for their excellent achievement. The Conference ended with a cultural program.